24Oct2003 Coming along nicely ...

It's been a productive week. After about 5 trips back and forth to Lordco, I've settled on the O2 sensor, picked up the manifold air temp sensor and the coolant sensor (both are identical).

I fabricated the heat-sink for the flyback board and finished the assembly, assembled and tested the cable that connects the MS to the relay board, finished and tested the relay board. So far, mostly due to the excellent documentation available as well as the simplicity of the design, I haven't had to troubleshoot a single thing! (Well, tell a lie, I couldn't get the MS to talk to my laptop after connecting the new cable to it, but discovered that I'd forgotten to connect the serial cable to my laptop's serial port. Doh!).


The cable that connects the megasquirt to the relay board looks more daunting than it realy is.
The heat shrink tubing adds strength and electrical isolation to the soldered connections
Slowly taming the beast after wrapping the wires in electrical tape